Challenge launched to Met’s ‘clandestine’ and ‘discriminatory’ gang database Samantha Dulieu 3 Feb Civil liberties, Race
Climate activists redouble efforts to ‘kill the bill’ ahead of commons vote Samantha Dulieu 14 Jan Civil liberties, News, Protest
‘Politically expedient and a blatant misuse of power’ Nicholas Reed Langen 28 May Civil liberties, Politics
‘Final showdown’ in case of activist deceived by undercover police Jon Robins 20 Apr Civil liberties, Police
Police powers amount to ‘political attack’ on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities Zohra Nabi 20 Apr Civil liberties, Police
Freedom of information: clearing houses, blacklists and the need for reform Nicholas Reed Langen 14 Feb Civil liberties, Journalism
Four people await trial for damage done to statue of slave trader Kaya Kannan 27 Jan Civil liberties, Race
New ‘stop and search’ powers to target knife crime will ‘further criminalise’ the young Zoe Darling 21 Jan Civil liberties, Crime
‘Home Secretary is one of the most challenging jobs. It’s a tragedy that Priti Patel holds it’ Nicholas Reed Langen 20 Jan Civil liberties
‘General’ warrants used by security services ruled unlawful Will Heath 18 Jan Civil liberties, Privacy
‘Serious concerns’ over human rights impact of ‘spycops’ Bill, say MPs Emma Gilbert 14 Oct Civil liberties
Scotland Yard pays out to man fathered by an undercover cop Art Badivuku 9 Oct Civil liberties, Police