Police powers amount to ‘political attack’ on Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities Zohra Nabi 20 Apr Civil liberties, Police
Seven out of 10 young adults think police will treat them differently if they are from deprived area Zohra Nabi 15 Feb Crime, Race
ECHR rules against Switzerland for fining Roma woman for begging Zohra Nabi 26 Jan Human rights, News
U-turn over law on bail to protect victims of domestic violence Zohra Nabi 18 Jan Crime, Miscarriages of Justice
‘A chilling effect on noble tradition of dissent’: ‘Stansted 15’ appeal begins Zohra Nabi 25 Nov News
Belly Mujinga: Call for inquest into death of transport worker following ‘virus cough attack’ Zohra Nabi 14 Oct #BLM, Inquests
Priti Patel attacks ‘lefty lawyers’ and human rights ‘do-gooders’ Zohra Nabi 6 Oct Human rights, Immigration
Brook House inquiry unlikely to hear witnesses until almost four years after abuse uncovered Zohra Nabi 28 Sep Immigration