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The site will not be updated over August. If you want to contact us with ideas, pitches, stories etc, you can and please do:
- jon@thejusticegap.com
- brian@thejusticegap.com
- miranda@thejusticegap.com
Comments go through a moderation process. Apologies for delay in August.
See you in September. When we will be publishing our new collection of essays Justice in a time of moral panic.
Justice in a time of moral panic
Foreword, Julie Price
Intro, David Jessel
Something good has to come of this, Simon Warr
In Memoriam Noel Hartnett, David Rose
I don’t want to see new myths replace old, Alison Saunders
Savile, Bryn Estyn & the danger of modern witch-hunts,
Mark Barlow and Mark Newby
Justice cannot be time-limited, Richard Scorer
Victim or complainant? Researching historic abuse allegations,
Mark Smith, Steve Kirkwood, Clare Llewellyn, and Ros Burnett
Innocent until proven dead, Samantha Cameron-Blackie
Victimology and ‘justice as therapy’, Barbara Hewson
The abuse pendulum, Peter Garsden
Thinking the unthinkable, Dennis Eady
‘Jihadi John’: how to make a moral panic, Alan Grattan
Telling the truth about the scum, Chris Horrie
Institutionalising miscarriages of justice, Bob Woffinden
Justice, moral panic and the Irish, Paul May
The ricin ‘terror plot’ that never was, Fiona Bawdon
Does the press really need to depict kids as monsters? Penelope Gibbs