Living together
For more information on where you can marry and what you have to do to get married, see the General Register Office ( and the Church of England (
For advice on cohabitation, see the Advice Now guide ( For more information about civil partnerships, see gay and lesbian rights’ group Stonewall ( There is useful information on the legal process of divorce on the Court Service’s website ( where you can download all the relevant forms.
For information about family law and to find a family law solicitor, see the family lawyers’ group Resolution ( To find out more about the intestacy rules Citizens Advice’s site (
Living apart
For advice and support on relationship breakdown, see the marriage counselling service Relate ( For information about For help on grandparents and contact see or ring their advice line on 0845 43439585.
To find out more about mediation, see the Family Mediation Helpline ( For information about court proceedings, see the court service web site ( and CAFCASS ( For more information about collaborative law, see as well as the Resolution site (
To find a lawyer specialising in domestic violence cases, see For information on the conduct of police in domestic violence cases, see the Association of Chief Police Officers Guidance on Investigating Domestic Abuse 2008